I’ve seen her everywhere
She has a certain grace
A quiet charm about her
As she glides through the untrodden pathways

That morning,Β  as she nudged her daughter on to the bus
Helping her up the step
While balancing her bags
Bedraggled,sleep deprived, a earring missing
Worry writ large in her anxious eyes
Waving goodbye till her arm hurt
She looked most beautiful

That afternoon, standing in the scorching heat
Hair flying out from under the cap
A scarf billowing in the wind
Screaming herself hoarse as her son raced, sprinted and placed fifth
Her face threatening to split apart from the wide smile she sported
She looked most beautiful

That evening, lying on the warm grass
Soaking in the beauty of Nature
Watching her toddler drag his new trousers across the ground
Squealing in joy at the dirt he’d gathered
Indulgently cuddling him, till her summer dress was ruined
She lookedΒ  most beautiful

That night, sitting by their bedside
Rushing from one to the other
Praying for the fever to subside
Soothing, calming and hugging them close
Staying alert for any signs of pain
While her unwashed face showed love and glowed with care

She had never looked more Beautiful

{Dedicated to the two best moms :Β 
My mother and my mother -in-law}


This is written in response to theΒ 
Wednesday Prompt over at Write Tribe